The Nepal Sociological Association (NSA), like during the preceding years, is organizing a national conference during Tuesday-Wednesday, November 21-22, 2017 (Mangsir 5-6, 2074). The theme of the seminar is Social Structure and Social Change. We believe this theme can capture the widest possible interest among sociologists. The NSA, as such, warmly welcomes your participation in the seminar.To this end, we invite you to submit an abstract of your projected paper or panel by September 15, 2017. A panel, it may be noted, comprises of a set of papers and authors on a particular theme. The coordinator of a panel is expected to describe the thematic coherence of the papers at the beginning of a session. There has been an increasing trend in professional meetings to present one’s ideas as part of a thematically focused panel. If you prefer to present an individual paper, you are, of course, welcome as well. Whether you prefer to be an individual or a panel presenter, the objective of Sociology Mela 2017 is to encourage the widest possible participation of sociologists. We believe that a conference is, foremost, an intellectual-professional space. However, an annual professional conference is also a space for professionals to gather together, chat over tea and cookies, form professional and personal friendship, discuss preferences and priorities for the coming months and years, etc. You might as well opt not to present a paper this year but just to meet your colleagues and make friends.
Please send your abstract to
Please note that the NSA is in the final stages of the registration process with the government of Nepal. The ad hoc committee of the NSA believes that the process will be completed by the end of the next month, i.e. August 2017. In any case, it is expected that the registration will be completed before the November seminar. We will keep you posted on our progress on registration. Wefurther expect that the ad hoc committee will dissolve itself and a new executive committee will be formed and lead the NSA for the next couple of years. This event will take place during the last session on the second day of the conference. We suggest the following subthemes for papers as well as panels.
- Gender, ethnicity and identity, including Dalit—non-Dalit and Madhesh-Pahadrelations
- Inequality and new opportunity
- Citizenship, democracy and human rights
- Inclusion and intersectionality
- Media and social media
- Youth, migration, livelihood and employment
- Disaster and disaster relief
- Constitution,elections and governance
- Political parties, political process, local government and corruption
- Education, health and social policy
- Development, diversification and poverty
- Household, family, marriage and the kinship network
As noted, the preceding list is suggestive. You are free to write on additional themes and topics. Because only members of the NSA can present papers or organize panels, you must become a member of the NSA prior to the conference. This means, of course, that you can send in abstracts for papers and panels without obtaining a membership. We will send you information on how to obtain membership as soon as possible. You are also requested to pay the conference registration fee when you arrive here for the conference. The registration fees will support part of the expenditures on food and lodging for the participants. Please find a copy of the NSA constitution attached.
With high regards to all fellow sociologists,
Chaitanya Mishra
Chairperson, Conference Organizing Committee
President, Ad hoc Committee, Nepal Sociological Association